I am well aware that I love peppers. I eat them with everything, practically everything. I bought a good 2 pounds last time at the market. This particular batch was fire-engine, run-to-the-fountains-HOT! For lunch yesterday I grabbed a couple to bring to work for lunch. When I went home last night one of the 2 probably jumped out of my bag, as if that would spare it's little hot life. This morning, I found a lonesome serrano pepper at the foot of my front-office door. I think it is a sign that I need to bring it down a notch or 2 when it comes to my consumption of peppers. But boy, do I love them!
that is so cute! My father loved peppers. The hotter, the better.
I have grown to appreciate them in small doses because if it's too hot, I cry like a baby :)
Tu fuiste la que se tardo mas en entrarle a los chiles. Todavia recuerdo que siempre te dabamos carrilla para que comieras pero no te atrevias. Un dia comiste y te enchilaste bastante y te enojaste mucho. En nuesta humilde choza el comer chile era un como un "right of passage" La verdad creo que era mas una necesidad porque tacos de chile eran de lo mas practico y nos alteraban las sentidos poniendonos en un "high" temporal tal como una droga.
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