Behold the mighty Jalapeno and his wee friend the tomato

For mother's day, Zach, the hopeless romantic, bought me about a dozen plants of jalapenos. That made me very happy being that I have a chile addiction. Truly, I have to eat my peppers pretty much with every meal, except when I eat cereal and stuff of that nature.
The peppers are coming along very good, one of the plants is giving really long green chiles, I am going to guess that they are more 'california chiles', like the ones you buy in the tiny little cans under the Ortega brand, roasted chiles. Yeah, I love variety! I picked the very first pepper yesterday the 19th of August. It was good and hot! I was feeling pretty farmerish, so I also planted roma tomatoes and basil and spearmint and cilantro. The cilantro plant died maybe 4 days after I planted it, the yerbabuena almost died, but a tiny sprout survived and so I have a little bit of that. The basil took off like a weed, except it is not a weed, it is a suculent fresh herb that is well appreciated by Paula, Don, and myself. Zach didnt like it. The tomato plant is pretty sad. There are 3 tomatos on it. One of them seem ripe enough, it was a beautiful red, but it was muy chiquito. I took a picture of the fruits of my mini garden.