Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ice Cream Break!

Love ice cream

Want some?

On Tuesday, we went for a walk to the library and before we started back home we took an ice cream break.
Caught you dancing Franklin!

I am having the hardest time uploading a super cute video of my boy dancing, you are just going to have to imagine it I guess. He has got pretty good rythm, maybe because he is half mexicano, maybe.

Franklin went to Chabela's room and turned on the radio and danced. Then Bella joined in
Ay Ay Ay! Que Bonita Nina con sus aretitos.
Ears pierced on Monday, August 18th, 2008. Luckeeeee!


Chabelita has been asking to get her ears pierced. On Monday night, she got her wish. I forgot my camera, but Zach took some pictures with his phone, I was to film the very moment it was done. I filmed or so I thought, but nay! I didnt press the right button, what a dweeb! She was pretty tough until the moment the girl marked the spot for the piercing, she started crying, we told her, that it would hurt for a little bit, she went through with it, of course she cried a whole bunch when the earring went in. It is basically like a stapler going thru the ear, except it is not a stapler it is an earring. After the tears, came the cutest, girly moments of my girl's life. When we got home she put on her fanciest dress and twirled around like a little ballerina. Look, I took pictures at home, doesnt she look beautiful like a butterfly.

Jalapeno Update

Behold the mighty Jalapeno and his wee friend the tomato

For mother's day, Zach, the hopeless romantic, bought me about a dozen plants of jalapenos. That made me very happy being that I have a chile addiction. Truly, I have to eat my peppers pretty much with every meal, except when I eat cereal and stuff of that nature.
The peppers are coming along very good, one of the plants is giving really long green chiles, I am going to guess that they are more 'california chiles', like the ones you buy in the tiny little cans under the Ortega brand, roasted chiles. Yeah, I love variety! I picked the very first pepper yesterday the 19th of August. It was good and hot! I was feeling pretty farmerish, so I also planted roma tomatoes and basil and spearmint and cilantro. The cilantro plant died maybe 4 days after I planted it, the yerbabuena almost died, but a tiny sprout survived and so I have a little bit of that. The basil took off like a weed, except it is not a weed, it is a suculent fresh herb that is well appreciated by Paula, Don, and myself. Zach didnt like it. The tomato plant is pretty sad. There are 3 tomatos on it. One of them seem ripe enough, it was a beautiful red, but it was muy chiquito. I took a picture of the fruits of my mini garden.
I am re-reading a great book: Rain of Gold, written by Victor Villasenor. It is pretty magical because it is making me feel a whole lot of gratitude for my family, for my mom, brothers, sisters, their kids and now most specially for my very 2 children and my husband.
There is a section in the book where the family is journeying north to get away from the horrors the mexican revolutionary war brought to their lives, and they have gone months without food and then someone says that in the United States people eat 3 times a day!!!! The thought of that made them laugh, they thought that was the most absurd thing they had ever heard. But isn't that the truth? We are so fortunate to have so much. God truly is good and I see that everyday in my life.